Who is Ultimate Tae Kwon Do?  What kind of school is it?  Are you guys any good?

Our 4 primary instructors have over 60 years of direct teaching experience.  We also have other black belts who assist with instruction.

Our goal is to provide quality instruction and real skills to our students – we are all volunteers, and the school is not run for profit.  We are not a “black belt factory” – we want to teach real skills, not just give out belts.  And we want to do it in a family friendly, fun environment.

We believe that we are teaching good quality martial arts, but we are always trying to improve!

Am I too young / old for Tae Kwon Do? 

Typically 7 is the minimum age to start classes.  Students must be able to focus and concentrate and work hard for a full hour.

There is no upper limit on age, and our philosophy is to encourage students to improve whatever physical ability they have.  Not everyone can be the next Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan, but everyone can be better than they are today!  Of course, always consult your physician before starting any new exercise program if you do have any concerns.

Can I try it out before signing up?

Yes, and we encourage that, especially with children who may be unsure.  Come to a couple of classes and see what it’s like to participate.  Wear comfortable fitting athletic clothes (e.g. shorts and t-shirt).  Parents can watch – or also participate!

It’s snowing!  Is class cancelled?

Our cancellation policy is if Cedar Rapids school district cancels classes or evening activities, then our classes are cancelled.  We try to alert students electronically, but the policy is firm.

Is Tae Kwon Do dangerous?

Ultimate Tae Kwon Do does not encourage or teach full contact sparring, or MMA-style combat holds and joint locks.  Sparring taught is ITF-style, with “light to no contact”.  Control of attacking techniques is emphasized, and students are taught to defend themselves by moving and blocking.  Additionally, students wear protective head, foot, and hand gear.

As with any sport, there is always a chance of injury, whether sparring or just practicing.  However, by warming up and stretching, improving balance and strength, Tae Kwon Do can help students protect themselves from injury as well.

What if I have a belt rank from another school – do I have to start over?

Come to class and discuss with an instructor.  Individual situations vary widely, based on belt systems, forms learned, etc.  Our general philosophy is that you have earned that belt and we will not take it away.  But there may be some new things to learn and catching up to do before you’re ready to test again.

You may also use uniforms or gear from other schools as long as they still fit!

How do I order a uniform or sparring gear?

Talk to an instructor before or after class.

Helpful links:

Sparring gear and uniform costs

Membership costs / How to Join

Locations and Class Times